Every year, New Jersey residents elect officials to represent them in local government bodies. These elected offices hold great importance to the functionality and stability of every community across the state. As one of the largest Firms in New Jersey for Registered Municipal Accounting by accredited personnel, Bowman & Company LLP provides quality education and guidance to our clients & those trusted to handle our public finances. This year, Bowman is proud to celebrate the conclusion of our 34th annual Budget Seminar.
For three evenings in late January, Bowman & Company’s Voorhees office hosted dozens of councilpersons, chief financial officers, mayors, and other related officials for an educational seminar. Representatives from the Firm’s Governmental Services Department including Managing Partner Emeritus Michael Cesaro, CPA, RMA, Partner Evan Palmer, CPA, RMA, and Partner-Elect Kenneth Drewes, CPA, RMA, organized and created a presentation of various municipal budget topics. These seminars cover everything from how municipal budgets are developed to the laws, rules, and regulations surrounding municipal budgets & finances. These regulations are both complex and constantly evolving, which is why the budget seminar is important for newly elected officials as well as experienced politicians.
Bowman & Company LLP has an 85-year history of public accounting and has an established Governmental Services Department dating back to 1981. Many of the municipalities in Southern New Jersey have relied on the expertise and guidance of Bowman & Company LLP for many years. In addition to municipal governments, agencies that benefit from our programs such as the budget seminars include libraries, fire districts, bridge commissions, and more.