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2016 New Jersey Municipal Budget Process Seminars

by | Jan 15, 2016 | Government Entities

When: Thursday January 21, 2016 or Wednesday January 27, 2016

Where: Bowman & Company LLP~ 601 White Horse Road~ Voorhees, NJ 08043

Time: 6:00p to 6:30p Sandwiches and Refreshments; 6:30p to 8:15p Seminar/Q&A

The Governmental Services Department of Bowman & Company LLP is pleased to once again sponsor this seminar.

The New Jersey Municipal Budget Process is designed to inform individuals, new to municipal government or those in need of a refresher, of the budget process in our State. In addition, the seminar will include an update on 2016 budget matters and a refresher on the User Friendly Budget.

To register, simply fill in the section below and mail or fax it to us at (856) 435-0440, or you may call Marybeth Chaslong at (856) 435-6200 to register or obtain more information.


Please register me for the Annual Municipal Budget Seminar. I plan on attending:


____ Thursday, January 21, 2016 or ____Wednesday, January 27, 2016


Name ____________________________________ Title_________________________


Municipal Affiliation __________________________Telephone No.__________________

If you plan to attend and will need assistance relating to a disability, please contact us at least 7 days prior to the seminar.

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