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An Ounce of Prevention

by | Jun 23, 2014 | For-Profit Entities

iStock_000014212517Large_200_200Don’t sweat the small stuff – but be sure to plan for it.

Oftentimes, businesses focus on a few selected risks rather than planning for all types of security threats. Visualizing several worst case scenarios, keeping the focus on the big picture and a healthy amount of planning will keep everybody on the same page and avoid confusion, should disaster strike (large or small).

Use this list as a guide to look past the tip of your nose to see what dangers may be lurking and plan for them:

1. Make sure all security and continuity plans are adaptable.
2. Consider the human component and work it in to the plan.
3. Cover all basics and implement regular updates.
4. Don’t get sucker punched. Consider a variety of threats (from cyber sources to natural sources), not just a few, and the various ways your organization can respond and resolve.
5. Be aware. Figure out backup locations for your business to function should you be forced to displace.
6. Prepare your staff: maintain and distribute a current contact list.
7. Communicate. Design an emergency communications protocol for employees, vendors and customers, etc., for the days post-disaster.
8. Keep your data backup tools in excellent condition.
9. Keep your inventory of assets up to date.
10. Safely and efficiently store documents. Duplicates of all crucial documents should be kept off-site.
11. Routinely make data backups, ideally both locally and with a cloud service.
12. Determine succession of management in case key players can no longer function.
13. Know the signs of a dying computer.
14. Set up your backups.
15. Consider replacing your computer every two or three years.

With a little advance planning and written protocols, everyone in your organization will be better equipped to handle the inconvenience of a workflow interruption.

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