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Bowman is honored to celebrate Veterans

by | Nov 11, 2014 | Uncategorized

As a firm, we believe it is important to give back to the community that supports us. Who better to give back to than the very community members that have provided us with the freedoms we enjoy? Today it is with great pride that we were able to give back and celebrate Veterans Day by honoring 75 veterans from around the area. At 11:00, at Voorhees Town Center, we presented local veterans with flags that have been flown over the U.S. Capitol Building. The Marine Corp League served to escort the veterans to receive their flag. Also part of the ceremony were airmen from the Joint Base MDL, Eastern Regional High School Chorale who honored the veterans in song, and author and fellow veteran Gordon L. Bocher who was a guest speaker.

Pictured below is Bowman & Company LLP Managing Partner, Henry Ludwigsen as he presents a flag to local veteran Specialist Alexander P. Davidson.


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