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Beware USAJobs Phishing Scam

by | Jul 29, 2015 | Uncategorized

The Office of Personnel Management is sending a warning to job seekers about email scams that are purporting to come from the federal government’s jobs site. A short advisory was released, stating that the USAJobs system isn’t sending out emails asking users to revalidate account information.

Users with questions are directed to a USAJobs “support” page. Additionally, the notice directs users to the OPM’s catch-all page about the recent massive hack of personnel data, which includes background check forms on millions of current, former and prospective federal employees.

Note that while earlier this month the OPM announced that data on nearly 22 million people had been compromised in two related hacks into the OPM system, there was no evidence that USAJobs systems were affected.

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