From the left: Ken Drewes, William Reilly, Bryan Sims, Christine Wong (Rowan Senior), Jie Yang and Maryann Holloway
On October 5th, Bowman & Company LLP was well represented at the Rowan University Accounting Mentorship Reception. Five members of the professional staff, Ken Drewes, William Reilly, Bryan Sims, Jie Yang and Maryann Holloway volunteer as mentors. The firm is one of the largest participants in the program. Bowman has a long history with the Rowan Accounting Mentorship Program. Most of these mentors have been volunteering for the program for several years, including Senior Manager Maryann Holloway, who has been mentoring students since the program’s inception eleven years ago. In addition, Associate William Reilly, who participated in the program as a student, has been mentoring students since joining the firm.