On June 11, six Bowman & Company staff members participated in United Way of Gloucester County’s Annual 5K and 1-Mile Walk. On this bright, sunny Saturday morning,our team members ran the trails near Rowan College a Gloucester County with other locals for the benefit of United Way’s community programs, including those targeted at fighting hunger, unemployment, and illiteracy.
We were proud to have a total of six team members participate in this year’s run. Our runners included Sarah Donahue, Evan Palmer, Laurie Beckman, Joseph Sirolli, and Amy Neimeister, with Neimeister and Sirolli placing 1st and 2nd in their divisions, respectively. In addition, Jie Yang ran an exhibition booth and cheered everyone on. We’re happy to share this pictures from this exciting event!
From left to right: Sarah Donahue, Evan Palmer, Laurie Beckman, Joseph Sirolli, and Amy Neimeister
From left to right: Neimeister, Donahue, Jie Yang, and Sirolli
Crossing the Finish Line
At Bowman & Company LLP, we believe strongly in the value of giving back to the community that has treated us so well over the last 75 years. We are proud to support United Way and the south New Jersey community, and we look forward to seeing more of our friends and neighbors at future events!