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Bowman Volunteers in Camden Spring Planting Season

by | May 14, 2018 | #BowmanGivesBack, Events

IMG_0122On May 5th the New Jersey Society of CPAs (NJCPA) Emerging Leaders Council partnered with the NJ Tree Foundation to kick off a great spring planting season.  Bowman volunteers, Senior Manager Carolyn Havlick, Senior Jonathan Wascovich, and Associate Ryan Cray, along with 50 or so other volunteers, planted trees in Camden in various locations throughout the Cooper Grant Neighborhood.  The trees will help improve air quality, manage storm water, and beautify neighborhoods.

If you would like to learn more regarding these organizations you can use the links below:

The New Jersey Tree Foundation

NJCPA Website

As a mid-size firm with a dedication to the development of the people and businesses of the Delaware Valley region, we pride ourselves on our involvement with the local community.  We look forward to seeing more of our friends and clients at future events!


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