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What Small Business Need to Know About the $1.8 Trillion American Families Plan

by | Aug 3, 2021 | #COVID-19News, Events, For-Profit Entities, Healthcare, Not-for-Profits, Speaking Engagements

Bowman Manager Tommy Kleinhans joined Paul Martin to help individuals and organizations understand the proposed American Families Plan. This episode is a part of Paul Martin’s Crucial Conversations podcast, where he partners with industry experts to help small businesses and healthcare clinics navigate the challenges of changing regulations, industry trends, and stakeholder needs.

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During this episode, Tommy reviews the proposed changes to child tax credits, income tax rates, and long-term capital gains taxation. Tommy and Paul have extended the conversation to aid individuals contemplating or in the process of selling their rehabilitation facility. This $1.8 trillion infrastructure bill is currently under review by Congress, awaiting legislative approval. The tax policies discussed may be changed prior to the bill being signed into law. Click the video above to view the full discussion.

To learn how the resources outlined can apply to your circumstances, reach out through the button below. Make sure to stay tuned in to the Bowman Blog for more updates on COVID-19 related news and regulatory events.


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