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Get Better Meetings with Your Manager

by | Jun 1, 2015 | Government Entities

140301756_200_133With 73% of employees meeting with their team leader only once a month, that’s not exactly a lot of face time. Make sure you are getting the most out of your one-on-one interactions with your manager by taking the steps to stay ahead of the game by utilizing some of the following planning strategies.

Showing initiative. In some cases, you might have to take the initiative to request and schedule a one-on-one meeting with your team leader. Make sure you get the attention your career deserves by becoming proactive with the communication process between yourself and your manager.

Clarifying expectations. Make sure your meetings have a clear agenda and focus. Collaborate with your manager on the outcome you are trying to achieve, and maybe even incorporate your goals into your calendar event description or invitation.

Get organized. Keep a running list of discussion items, containing things that are important, but not time-sensitive. This way, you have an outline for things to discuss, without bringing them up unnecessarily, as you think of them.

Think about the big picture. Make sure bigger picture items are also on your meeting agenda. Also, be prepared to offer examples of the progresses that you’ve made toward growth, and seek out feedback on ways you can continue to improve and further your career.

To learn more about maximizing the effectiveness of your one-on-one meetings with your manager, and to read the entire article, please visit

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