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Government Programs Offer Assistance to Entrepreneurs

by | Aug 31, 2012 | Uncategorized

According to a new report by the Government Accountability Office, the government has numerous programs designed to help Americans start new businesses. The Small Business Administration and the Commerce, Housing and Urban Development, and Agriculture departments offer over 50 different economic development programs to help entrepreneurs create business plans, manage start ups and obtain funding. Many of the programs overlap in the type of assistance they offer. For example, almost half of the programs offer entrepreneurs technical assistance, such as business training and counseling.

With this overlap, businesses can receive assistance from multiple programs. However, entrepreneurs may have a hard time getting assistance because agencies tend to rely on third-party entities to provide the technical and financial assistance. In order to better serve entrepreneurs, the agencies should look to collaborate their efforts and leverage their resources. “Without enhanced collaboration and coordination, agencies may not be able to make the best use of limited federal resources in the most effective and efficient manner,” the report said.

For information on the report, please visit Federal Times.

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