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Legislative Priorities for the NLC in 2013

by | Feb 1, 2013 | Government Entities

The NLC recently met to discuss several issues it wants Congress and the Administration to focus on in the coming year. Failure to act on these issues could have negative effects on local communities. Below is a list of the priorities:

Protect Municipal Bonds: In an effort to reduce the deficit and fund programs, the federal income tax exemption provided to interest paid on state and municipal bonds is being threatened. If the tax exemption is eliminated it will result in states and localities having to pay more to finance projects.

Fix the Nation’s Broken Immigration System: Fixing the immigration system would include developing a policy that supports secure borders and a path to citizenship for millions of immigrants.

Protect Local Revenues: Billions of local tax dollars are lost each year because local governments are unable to enforce sales tax laws on sales by out-of-state catalog and online sellers. If Congress acts upon its authority to regulate interstate commerce, state and local governments will be able to collect some of those lost taxes.

For more information regarding legislative priorities of the NLC, visit the National League of Cities website.

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