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Mobility Management Methodology

by | Jun 23, 2014 | Government Entities

iStock_000014695679Medium_200_133The shift toward BYOD has given rise to a wide range of devices, laptops, tablets and Smartphones, connecting to government networks. This trend is changing the way people work and is affecting IT at all organizations, including government agencies.

The agency IT department must strike a balance between data security and control on one side and end-user flexibility and productivity on the other. Especially within government, data security is imperative, as devices are more likely to contain highly confidential, regulated or classified data.

Organizations that successfully enable and manage mobility follow three key rules:

1. Manage the user, not the device.
By managing user profiles rather than devices, the IT department can consider the needs, rights and permissions of users and build a template to support their productivity.

2. Implement and enforce a mobile-use policy.
Effective mobility management is supported by a policy that clearly defines what is expected of end users, including employee accountability and the penalties that can be incurred if the agreement is breached.

3. Maintain a persistent connection to the devices.

Satisfying users and establishing policies are fruitless if the IT department cannot maintain visibility of the device and the data it contains. A persistent connection is essential.

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