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Our Gift to You: Learn the Basics of Crowdfunding

by | Feb 16, 2017 | Uncategorized

Crowdfunding_Page_01.jpgIt seems these days that you can’t pick up a publication or read a social media feed without seeing an article or posting about crowdfunding.  Organizations at every level are applying this method to finance projects locally, nationally, and internationally.  As a service to our friends and clients in the New Jersey Local Government and Not-for-Profit spaces, we are pleased to provide this complimentary whitepaper introducing the basics of using crowdfunding to help supplement your special project funding.

This guide covers:

  • The Basics of Crowdfunding
  • Crowdfunding in New Jersey Government
  • Crowdfunding for Not-for-Profits
  • Risks Faced by Donors and Recipients

The whitepaper can be accessed at the link below.  Feel free to contact us with any questions or comments.

Thanks, and happy fundraising!


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