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Protect the Supply Chain with eSCRM

by | Feb 27, 2015 | Government Entities

iStock_000005664283Medium_200_129Cybersecurity attacks can disrupt, destroy, and compromise manufacturing supply chains. These attacks create risks that eclipse agencies, departments, and organizations. In the past, supply chain risk management (SCRM) efforts were based upon security, resiliency, and logistics. Now, with the emergence of cybersecurity risk within the Nation’s supply chain, an augmented SCRM approach that focuses on product integrity is needed.

The Enterprise Supply Chain Risk Management (eSCRM) Program provides a robust toolset of defense-in-breadth and defense-in-depth enterprise capabilities. The Program includes Agency-specific SCRM policies and procedures delivered through a Supply Chain Risk Management-Resource Center (SCRM-RC). The SCRM-RC directly supports supply chain risk-based decisions, and is a prevention, detection, and reporting mechanism that promotes product integrity though:

  • Training, Outreach, and Awareness
  • Supply Chain Risk Modeling
  • Incident Management Support
  • Program Administration, and
  • Metrics and Key Performance Indicators.

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