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Senate Supports Marketplace Fairness Act

by | Apr 5, 2013 | Government Entities

On March 25th, just before departing Washington for a two week recess, the Senate passed an amendment to the FY2014 Budget Resolution by a vote of 75 – 24 that positioned the Senate as a supporter of the Marketplace Fairness Act. While the vote does not mean the amendment is sure to become law, it is a good indication that the Senate will have the 60-plus votes it needs to pass later this year.

The Marketplace Fairness Act would overrule the Court’s decision in Quill Corp. v. North Dakota that left state and local governments unable to enforce their existing tax laws on sales by out-of-state catalog and online sellers. It would also allow local and state governments to collect $23 billion in taxes already owed on Internet and mail order sales.

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