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Bowman Brings Awareness to American Heart Month

by | Feb 21, 2023 | Uncategorized

If you’ve passed our Voorhees office in the evening recently, you may have noticed a slight change in decoration. All month, there have been red lights illuminating the sides of the building. While the color red in February is a symbol of Valentine’s Day, it also represents American Heart Month. At Bowman, we take education on health seriously, and we want our community to know the facts on heart health as well!

Cardiovascular disease can mean a range of issues with your heart and/or your body’s system of blood vessels and arteries. There is not a singular cause for all types of heart disease. Consequentially, there are more symptoms of heart problems than having a full-on heart attack. The complicated matter of heart health requires education on the subject. The importance of heart health cannot be stressed enough; after all, heart disease is the most common cause of death in the United States. It can affect anyone regardless of physical differences. There are steps you can take to reduce the likelihood of heart disease, as well as learn responsive actions that can save someone’s life in the event of a serious heart complication.

Types of Heart Disease (And How They Develop)

The most common type of 

Preventing Heart Disease

How to Fight Disease & Educate Others

Sources, Further Reading & Giving Opportunities


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