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The Dedicated Workforce Behind it All

by | May 8, 2020 | Uncategorized

No one could have predicted how greatly our lives would change in 2020. Living rooms have turned into classrooms, cubicles have been replaced by dining tables, and family pets have evolved into our closest coworkers. This pandemic has transformed almost every aspect of normality for most Americans. However, at Bowman one thing has remained the same: the grit and endurance of our workforce.

Like every company around the world, we were not able to go into this with a handbook or even an inkling of the severity that would ensue. As the pandemic crept closer and closer, we knew that operations could not be maintained as they had since our early beginnings in 1939. But as we closed our business’ front doors, our staff opened their laptops and utilized their home WiFi in order to persevere. We would like to take a moment to thank everyone at Bowman & Company LLP, from interns to Partners, that have helped us continue to serve the Delaware Valley community through these hardships.

We recognize that moving to remote operations required adaptation to unforeseen challenges. But as Socrates once said, “the secret of change is to focus all of your energy, not on fighting the old, but on building the new.”  Despite these circumstances, our teams did not hesitate to discover innovative solutions. Through telecommuting and virtual conferences, we have been able to press on. We know the road ahead may be paved with uncertainty, but we are happy to have a committed and dedicated workforce to ride out the journey.

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As a mid-size firm with a dedication to the development of the people and businesses of the Delaware Valley region, we are proud to be able to continue operations remotely. The devotion of our employees has allowed us to remain committed to upholding our involvement with the local community. In addition to providing quality services, we are continuing to send out updates on the latest regulatory and business news through our Blog and monthly industry newsletters. For any questions you may have or to learn how to get connected, contact us through the link below.


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