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The Next Steps for FedRAMP

by | Dec 22, 2014 | Government Entities

iStock_000008579439Medium_200_150More than two and a half years into the Federal Risk Authorization and Management Program (FedRAMP), program managers are calling the initiative a success, but looking forward toward significant improvements.

A two year roadmap has been created, entitled “FedRAMP Forward.” It includes a number of key initiatives centered on increasing awareness of the program’s core components, improving efficiencies in authorizations and implementation.

The plan is to start, or restart, a number of initiatives, including:

  • re-launching as a central repository for information and updates
  • creating a high baseline for sensitive data and developing security overlays to give agencies a singular view of compliance with the various requirements mandated by federal law
  • lowering costs, while simultaneously speeding up the authorization process

Program managers are looking to give a wider, enterprise scope to the authorization process, including within agencies and across government. To achieve this, managers will be setting up inter-agency working groups to identify service providers and products that are used in multiple areas.

Per the schedule, the working groups are expected to launch within 12 months.

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