The Basic Institute is a three-year leadership training program for city and county employees of all experience levels. The program runs one week annually and each session has a different focus: leadership development, service excellence and personal supervisory skills. Students may begin the cycle in any year.
Although designed to provide mid-career development and training for supervisory employees, the program has value for public works personnel at all levels.
“You don’t have to be a supervisor to get something from the training,” says Rob Horne, who’s worked for the Village of Lincolnshire almost 20 years and is currently engineering supervisor. “The public works hierarchy has a broad scope, from the line guy to the director, and you learn about all their jobs and needs. The training translates to every position.” For example, pointers on dealing with problem employees also apply to contractors and residents.
The City of Danville considers the program a resource in its management advancement and succession plan. “We’re always thinking about how to keep things rolling,” says Service and Operations Manager Bob Scott. “The institute plays a key role in ensuring we’re all on the same page. People can step into a position and carry on with consistent philosophies and management styles.”
IPSI gives participants tools to work with as their careers expand. They not only succeed in the organization, they become engaged in the association.
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